The Sound of Music and Connection

My only client was Ms. Jeanette Cunniff, a 102 year old widowed mother of 2 (youngest being 77 years old), therefore I will describe what made my relationship meaningful with her. Based on the training that I had with Ascend Hospice, it doesn’t seem like Ms. Cunniff is a typical hospice patient, and that she … Continue reading “The Sound of Music and Connection”

Hospice Volunteering Reflection

Beginning from the first meeting for our Hospice volunteering group, I knew this experience would be different than any other I had had in my undergraduate years. What stuck with me was the message of treating the whole person in Hospice, meaning not only the physical aspects of health, but the spiritual too. This idea … Continue reading “Hospice Volunteering Reflection”

Death is More

When asked why individuals want to become physicians, they often reply about the amazing experience that the medical career path provides, the lifelong relationships with patients, and their quest to establish their own heroic stories. Death is not often the motivation for wanting to become a doctor. Through Hospice, the experience of death, its meaning, … Continue reading “Death is More”


Originally, I came to the Pre-Med Hospice program after hearing about it through my pre-med advisor. I thought it would be a fitting experience to have on my resume. From what I had heard, Hospice would put me a unique environment which most pre-med undergraduates or even medical students do not usually see. I discovered, … Continue reading “Perspectives”

A Unique and Life Lesson Providing Experience

I have volunteered in hospitals in the past, completing tasks such as making beds, moving patients around in wheelchairs, and running blood samples to the lab across the hospital. My experience in the hospice unit this year has been different than this, in the best way possible. Instead of sitting and waiting for a task … Continue reading “A Unique and Life Lesson Providing Experience”

The Small Gesture

I never wore bright colors to the hospice. Red and white polos remained in my closet while black and grey came out. Wearing vibrant and seemingly happy colors in a somber space was disrespectful of the difficult end of life issues that patients and their families were making. Instead of asking if it was appropriate, … Continue reading “The Small Gesture”

Reflections on my Hospice Experience

My experience with Hospice has been incredibly meaningful to me. Through this experience I have met students and faculty at Villanova as well as at the Hospice organization. The people I have met have been incredibly supportive of this emotionally challenging volunteer endeavor. My most meaningful relationship, however, is with my patient, Mary. I have … Continue reading “Reflections on my Hospice Experience”

Ascend Hospice Reflection

Before coming into this program, my only experience with Hospice care had been through my grandmother’s late years. As a grade school student at the time, I didn’t have a grasp of what was truly going on around me. All I knew was that my grandma was sick, and these people were making her comfortable. … Continue reading “Ascend Hospice Reflection”

Seasons Hospice: the importance of volunteering

Volunteering is an important aspect in the lives of many and it can be a very rewarding experience. I have always enjoyed volunteering and am constantly looking for different ways to get involved in the community. Another passion of mine is medicine, and I hope to one day be a doctor. Combining these two passions … Continue reading “Seasons Hospice: the importance of volunteering”