My Hospice Volunteering Experience

Through hospice volunteering through the Athena Institute Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Program, I was able to learn so many things. I worked with a variety of hospice patients suffering from a variety of conditions. This gave me the opportunity to communicate with a wide range of people who all had different circumstances and situations. Due to this, my communication skills vastly improved. I’ve never really had to communicate with people who were not able to talk back, however through this program this was often my main objective. Even more important than this, this program improved my emotional regulation skills while also teaching me how to appropriately empathize. I’ve always been more of an emotional person, so in tense situations with lots of strong feelings and sensations I often found myself emotionally overwhelmed. However, through hospice volunteering I often was with families while they grieved their loved ones. I had to learn how to empathize with people while not being unprofessional and overly emotional. This is a hard skill for me to master, so I appreciate the opportunity to work on it.
This program has only further strengthened my resolve to go to medical school and desire to become a doctor. I witnessed the relationship between the medical team, the patient, and the patient’s loved ones. Learning how to establish the appropriate connection with their patient is a huge responsibility of a doctor, and I now have worked on my capabilities to do this. Additionally, I’ve seen some of the most debilitating conditions that people can have. Experiencing this has shown me the reality of the medical field, and how sometimes treatment cannot fully cure a patient. Due to this, I have the ability and understanding to treat my future patients to the best of my ability, but also realize when it is time to prioritize my patient’s comfort in their final days over simply throwing harsh treatments at them.
In conclusion, my experience hospice volunteering has been one of the most unique and rewarding opportunities I’ve participated in yet. I’ve learned so many things that will help me in my future and have prepared myself to be a better doctor. I am grateful to have had this opportunity and recommend it to all aspiring doctors.