Thoughts on Being a Hospice Volunteer

Having grown up with my grandparents, it is difficult for me to fully accept that one day they would no longer be the pillars of our family. When I found out about the Hospice program, I submitted my application hoping to have an opportunity to interact with the patients who have also played significant roles … Continue reading “Thoughts on Being a Hospice Volunteer”

Forbes Hospice Reflection Essay

I would like to begin my reflection essay by stating how much of an amazing experience this past year has been. It has been a rewarding time in my life where I was able to aid people at there most vulnerable times. Not to mention, help their families through a loss of a loved one. … Continue reading “Forbes Hospice Reflection Essay”

Lessons to be Learnt

I’ve always been fascinated with the complexity and mysteries of the human body, and how medicine attempts to solve the puzzling questions of the human body. Medical school provides a comprehensive scope of knowledge that a doctor will need to know when treating and diagnosing patients. However, programs such as Holisticare Hospice exposes students to … Continue reading “Lessons to be Learnt”

A Different Type of Experience in Healthcare

Having had some exposure to hospice through my mother, who works as a nurse specializing in geriatrics, I viewed it as a unique experience in the healthcare setting. Additionally, however, I anticipated dealing with a degree of emotional trauma, as the life expectancy of the patients is less than those in other areas of healthcare. … Continue reading “A Different Type of Experience in Healthcare”

Hospice Reflection

When given the opportunity to volunteer with hospice patients at the Wayne Center in Wayne, PA, I was eager to help but also a little apprehensive. My mind was fresh with the death of my grandfather, who had been diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy just years earlier, a degenerative neurological disease with no known cure. … Continue reading “Hospice Reflection”

A New Perspective

Upon first arriving at the care center, I was a bit apprehensive. Although I had received training in how to interact with the patients, the idea of actually engaging a real patient face-to-face suddenly seemed rather daunting. After all, what could I really do that would make any difference in the life of someone at … Continue reading “A New Perspective”

Cultural Collisions and Reconciliation

Throughout this year, I got the opportunity to visit patients in a hospice, meet families, nurses and others who help to make the hospice run smoothly. However, my most meaningful relationship was when I was interacting with my second patient. Since we shared a similar background in where we’ve grown up and our culture, it … Continue reading “Cultural Collisions and Reconciliation”

How My Hospice Experience Has Influenced My View on Medicine

Death does not come easy to me. I don’t think it should for anyone, but as a future doctor I know that I death is something I will be experiencing time and time again. I believe that most doctors aren’t comfortable with death. Talking about death and dealing with a dying patient is hard. It … Continue reading “How My Hospice Experience Has Influenced My View on Medicine”

A New Perspective

I was lucky enough to be with my patient throughout the entirety of the semester. Although she rarely remembered my name and the details of my background, I could tell that she recognized my face and was happy to see me. This recognition and appreciation of my presence made this experience incredibly worthwhile, especially because … Continue reading “A New Perspective”

My Hospice Experience

During my time at Villanova, I sought an interdisciplinary education focused on multiculturalism in order to become a well-rounded medical professional. My background in Cultural Studies and Healthcare Ethics contribute to my broad understanding of cultural difference. These experiences have helped me to be knowledgeable and affable around many different types of people and in … Continue reading “My Hospice Experience”