Trusting Bonds

Throughout my time as a hospice volunteer, I’ve come to see how communication happens across a variety of mediums, and encompasses so much more than just verbal. Many of the patients who I have come to know and form a relationship with cannot speak due to the progression of their diseases, and learning to communicate … Continue reading “Trusting Bonds”

Acceptance: The Lesson I Learned from Hospice Volunteering

The topic of death had always been taboo to me – even when it came to family members, we barely spoke of their passing. I knew that being pre-health, I would need to understand the role of death and dying in medicine, but I continued to push it off, delving into curative-based research. I applied … Continue reading “Acceptance: The Lesson I Learned from Hospice Volunteering”

coffee and carrying on

I see healthcare as a human right so volunteering at Hospice was my way of investing into the Baltimore community. In my medical career, I want to work with at risk and often neglected populations. The first resident I formed a unique connection with was Fernando: he liked smoking, sugar and baseball. He was from … Continue reading “coffee and carrying on”

Reflections on My Experience in Hospice

Many people regard hospice as a place circled by death. They believe it is a place where people come in and soon leave. They also believe that it’s a place not comparable to home. However, it often is the contrary based on my experience volunteering in hospice. People do come in sick, and they are … Continue reading “Reflections on My Experience in Hospice”

Journey of Acceptance

My time in hospice has taught me many things, but if I had to say the most impactful lesson I have learned, it would be acceptance. Acceptance comes in many forms, such as acceptance in others, acceptance in ways of actions and thoughts, and acceptance in the inevitable. Through my various interactions with hospice patients, … Continue reading “Journey of Acceptance”