Athena FriendsKIT for Fragrance™

Athena Pheromone FriendsKit

Special price: $109.99   Value: $127.50

You get 1 vial of 1013 + 1 Blue Bottle +3 Rod Bottles + 1 Widemouth Funnel to split with 3 of your friends 

We offer free pheromone shipping anywhere in USA. We also ship worldwide. Check your cart to calculate shipping options,

Leader must provide names and contact information of the other group members before product will ship out. This is a special offer with special terms. 1013 can be ordered independently without this requirement.

Please note the glass vial is disposable, and once opened this product must be stored in a leakproof screw-top bottle.  If your fragrance is in a spray, please use one of our mixing bottles.

Special price of $109.99 Value: $127.50

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Be a Group leader: Do you have 3 friends who would like to try Athena Pheromone 1013™?

Having trouble spending $100 to try Athena Pheromones in your Fragrance? Share the cost with our special offer.

How to split a vial of Athena Pheromones between 4 friends.

Divde your FriendsKIT evenly.

How the Athena FriendsKIT for Fragrance™ works:

The leader recruits 3 friends to share the cost

They meet (in person or virtually) and watch the instruction video

They choose their favorite Fragrance

The leader blends 1013 into 2 ounces of it

And divides the potion into 4 equal parts

All 4 friends dab some mixture on face and under nose

Wear it daily for 6 weeks according to the written directions

Test our pheromone for increased affection for women

The Rules:

The FriendsKIT is a special promotional item and can not be ordered with any other products in one order

Leader must provide names and contact information of the other group members before product will ship out.

Leader may be a leader as often as she can organize a new group.

Leader decides how to share the cost: e.g. 3 friends each pay $37.00 and leader provides the fragrance, or the group can share the cost equally.


Special price of $109.99 Value: $127.50

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