Office Intern Position at Athena Institute for Women's Wellness
- Part time position open now
2 days per week; Mondays and Wednesdays preferred--no weekends from 12- 4pm, or 12-3pm, $18-22 per hour. Must be able to drive to our Chester Springs, PA office to be considered. Please include a cover letter with your resume that shows us you have reviewed our website and understand our mission and purpose
- With intelligence, efficiency and dignity serve our customers who order our cosmetic fragance additives and Dr. Cutler's books on line, by phone and mail. (see our website and then choose our shopping cart tab near top right.
Customer service and order processing takes less than 2 hours per day due to our efficient computer-based systems.
- You will work directly with biologist Dr. Cutler on many assignments, and independently or with other staff in comfortable country atmosphere with easy parking at our door.
- Position is ideal for a college student with computer fluency.
- Review our website for our other contributions to women's healthcare for this unique opportunity to experience a science-based atmosphere in a small but fast-paced organization promoting women's health and research. Read comments from former staffers
Responsibilities include:
Assist with office routine & process orders of our two pheromone cosmetics & Dr. Cutler's books placed via phone or Internet, clerical work, and customer service. No telemarketing.
Optional: Assisting Dr. Cutler with research and scientific analysis posting of women's health issues.
- We will train you to use our system with our manual of checklist procedures.
Communicating with scholars, customers, and reporters who call is a minor time consumer, but an intelligent phone persona is required.
High accuracy in daily computer data entry. Articulate phone presence with willingness to tell callers you do not know the answer to that question but they can email us for a rapid response.
- Experience with Apple Computers, Microsoft Office, and Filemaker a definite asset.
- At least one year's experience in office work or excellent college grades academically with good touch-typing skills.
- Non-smoker, punctual, reliable, good academic background, excellent communication skills, excellent computer skills, attention to detail, good character references, a genuine interest in women's health, professional demeanor and verbal skills.
- Comfortable with academic discussions of hormones and physiology
- Sense of humor is desirable. Must enjoy dogs as we have one on site.
- Car required to get here, and sometimes take mail to our nearby Chester Springs Post Office.
Your cover letter, resume, educational history, expected graduation degree(s), institutions, GPA, and work history are each needed to qualify for an interview. Thank you for taking note of what we need to enable us to consider your application!
Send your email to with a subject line showing “office administrator 2019” so that we can find your message.
[our email address begins with "athena@" and follows with ""]