View Full Bibliography of Dr. Cutler's Work
The Public Library of Science - In September, 2020 PLOS published Dr. Cutler’s coauthored findings that 94% of pre and postmenopausal women with no prior diagnosis at enrollment remained cancer-free over 25 years: Long term absence of invasive breast cancer diagnosis in 2,402,672 pre and postmenopausal women: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
The Public Library of Science - In June 2015. Dr. Cutler and coauthors Drs. Burki, Kolter, Chambliss, Friedmann, and Hart demonstrated that the widely advertised breast cancer rates do not reflect risk for asymptomatic women with no history of breast cancer. Invasive Breast Cancer Incidence in 2,305,427 Screened Asymptomatic Women: Estimated Long Term Outcomes During Menopause Using a Systematic Review June 2015.
Climacteric: In June 2013. Dr. Cutler and coauthors' Burki, Kolter, and Chambliss -- short review published in the journal of the International Menopause Society. Mammography for symptomless women - not so wise?
In Focus: In January 2013, Dr. Cutler and coauthors' Burki, Kolter, and Chambliss -- commentary published in online release to International Menopause Society members. Mammography screening in symptomless women may do them more harm than good.
Menopause Live - In November 2011, the online newsletter of the International Menopause Society printed and circulated the commentary, Mortality reduction by widespread screening: not quite as effective as we all hope?... on breast cancer, mammography and overdiagnosis by Dr. Cutler and coauthors Drs. Burki and Kolter.
Climacteric - In April 2011, the International Menopause Society journal, published the paper by Drs. Cutler and Burki; Overdiagnosis may further diminish mammographic breast cancer benefits minimized by elegant study *previously printed in the society's e-newsletter, Menopause Live in December 2010.
Climacteric -- In December 2010, the International Menopause Society journal, published Dr. Cutler's invited review of a published paper showing breast cancer seemed to decrease when the 2002 WHI study and subsequent media caused women to stop using HRT. 'A public health paper on breast cancer incidence that does not withstand scrutiny' (With Dr. Regula Burki) *previously printed in the society's e-newsletter, Menopause Live in August, 2010.
Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: What is the Real Risk? Dr. Cutler's oral presentation and abstract was accepted for the 65th annual meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) October 2009
Hormones and Your Health: The Smart Woman's Guide to Hormonal and Alternative Therapies for Menopause Dr. Cutler's most recent book for women and their physicians published April 2009, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reviewed and recommended by medical professionals. Over 890 citations and references.
Pheromones, Sexual Attractiveness and Quality of Life In Menopausal Women: Article published in peer-reviewed scientific journal, Climacteric, June 2002.
Current Problems in Obstetrics,Gynecology, and Fertility: Mosby Medical Journal reissues updated monograph "Wellness in Women After 40 Years of Age" in two parts. January and April 2000.
Human Sex-Attractant Pheromones: Discovery, Research, Development, and Application in Sex Therapy. Published in the journal, Psychiatric Annals. January 1999.
Wellness in Women after 40 Years of Age: The Role of Sex Hormones and Pheromones. Monograph published in Mosby's Disease-a-Month, September 1998.
Pheromonal Influences on Sociosexual Behavior in Men: A double-blind, placebo controlled study published in the scientific journal Archives of Sexual Behavior. 1998
Women's Responses to Genital Stimulation: Evidence for the Functional Role of Timing. INABIS symposium. December 1998.
Oophorectomy at Hysterectomy: A practice that does not withstand scrutiny. Published by Menopause Management, the NAMS education publicaton. December 1996.
Sex during menstruation may be harmful (synopsis for a lay audience)
The full scientific article ("Coitus and Menstruation in Perimenopausal women" Published in the Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. December 1987)
Lunar Influences on the Reproductive Cycle in Women. Published in the journal, Human Biology, December 1987. **This paper subsequently replicated the 1980 study and paper published in the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology -- see next link
Lunar and Menstrual Phase Locking. Dr. Winnifred Cutler and colleagues' published study on Menstrual cycles and the Lunar Cycle 1980.
The Medical Management of Menopause and Premenopause: Their Endocrinologic Basis. Drs. Cutler and Garcia published medical textbook in 1984 to positive journal reviews. J.B. Lippincott Co. Philadelphia, PA. 275 pp.
Preservation of the Ovary:A Reevaluation. Dr. Celso-Ramon Garcia and Dr. Winnifred Cutler published paper in Ferility and Sterility, 1984. Routine ovariectomy at hysterectomy should not be common practice.
Age at First Coitus and Infertility: Dr. Cutler's paper excerpted, Infertility and Age at First Coitus: A Possible Relationship. (with Dr. Celso-Ramon Garcia and Abba M. Kreiger) 1979
View Full Bibliography of Dr. Cutler's Work
Regular weekly sex promotes a regular menstrual cycle. (1979 replicated 1985, 1991). Women who had regular (at least once a week) sex with a man had menstrual cycles that were within 3 days of the optimal 29.5 day cycle. Women who had "feast and famine" behavior with no regularity had the most irregular and abnormal length cycles, as well as deficiently low estrogen, while celibate women fell in between these 2 groups.
Young women who start having sexual intercourse within 7 years of their first menstruation have significantly fewer fertility problems later in life. (1979). This discovery showed a definite "window of opportunity" which closes with time. Women with the most serious infertility problems had a mean gynecological age at first coitus of 7.99 years and higher. (You have to use it not to lose it.)
Lunar menstrual phase locking exists, and is probably caused by electromagnetic radiation. (1980). Fertile women cycle in phase with the moon's phases.
Pheromones can be used to regularize menstrual cycles. (1986) Women with irregular or abnormal length menstrual cycles became more regular within 14 weeks of treatment with human pheromones.
Hysterectomized women have greater bone loss than women who have not had this surgical removal of the uterus. (1988 In the early years following the surgery, these women lose bone mass about twice as rapidly as their non-hysterectomized counterparts.
Bone loss such as spinal osteoporosis can be efficiently & inexpensively screened by single photon densitometer of the WRIST. (1988). This is preferable to the more invasive and less safe x-ray of the spine.
The uterus is a sexually responsive organ and its removal (hysterectomy) has a profound effect on sexuality. (1990). For many women, the uterus contracts during orgasm, producing a highly pleasurable feeling. Also, the cervix at the tip of the uterus is highly sensitive in many women. Athena Institute is currently conducting another study on hysterectomized women to learn more.
Appropriately-dosed hormone replacement therapy is NOT proven to increase the risk of breast cancer. (1990) In fact, it may even reduce the risk.
A stable, weekly sexual relationship greatly improves women's estrogen levels, calcium content in bones. (1987). This lets them age more slowly (including later onset and milder menopause). See also Love Cycles book, and see also for background: The Psychoneuro-endocrinology of the Ovulatory Cycle of Woman: A Review
Urinary incontinence is associated with weak pubococcygeal muscles, and can often be corrected. (1992) Biofeedback with a perineometer can help measure improvement in the muscles which can be strengthened by an exercise program. Women with this problem (1 out of 3 over age 35) don't have to resign themselves to depending on diapers.
Use of a simple, inexpensive Fleximeter (a trademarked rubber-coated flexible rod) can accurately trace history of spinal curvature to diagnose kyphosis (curvature) of the spine. (1993). This is preferable to less-safe x-rays or more expensive (D.P.A. dual photon absorptiometry) techniques.
" My research has consistently focussed on what behavior a woman can engage in to increase her power, well-being, and vitality."
---Winnifred B. Cutler, Ph.D.
A portion of the profits from our book and pheromone sales helps to fund Athena's on-going research.
Ursinus College July 2022: "How Science gets Done" Dr. Cutler’s undergraduate alma mater invited her to address the class of Research Fellows. See how she weaves observational science, biblical and philosophical citations with double blind, placebo controlled trials, subsequent media attention and finally the launching of products.
International Menopause Society Meeting 2018: "Screening for Breast Cancer--Is it Worth it? Current Controversies" Dr. Cutler's invited lecture. Dr. Cutler presented data of widespread overdiagnosis and the harms of over treatment that justify asymptomatic menopausal women and their advisors consider rejecting screening mammograms because they generate substantial harm without any demonstrated benefit.
Ursinus College September 2015: Lecture Dr. Cutler addressed an invited group of undergraduate psychology students and faculty reviewing 10 of the 23 scientific studies at Penn and Stanford that led to her landmark 1986 co discovery of human sex attractant pheromones.
In May 2015 Dr. Cutler presented a scientific poster at the Annual Clinical Meeting of The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, in San Francisco: "Breast Cancer Incidence In 2,305,427 Screened Asymptomatic Women: Long Term Outcomes During Menopause." (pdf file)
In June 2012, Dr. Cutler led a 'Grand Rounds' lecture and Power Point presentation of 16 slides for CME credits at Main Line Health/Lankenau Hospital for medical practitioners; "Logical Measurement Methods Yield Lower Breast Cancer Risk."
In April 2012, Dr. Cutler presented a scientific poster at the annual meeting of the Society for Behavioral Medicine; "Logical Measurement Methods Yield Lower Breast Cancer Risk" co-authored by Regula Burki, M.D., James Kolter, M.D., and Cathy Chambliss, Ph.D.
In April 2011, Dr. Cutler presented a powerpoint presentation, HRT: The Role of Progesterone, to MLH physicians and staff for CME credit, at the Women's Health Symposium - Main Line Health System. As part of the conference: Challenges and Controversies in the Care of the Middle-Aged Woman.
In August 2010, the International Menopause Society newsletter printed Dr. Cutler's invited review of a published paper showing breast cancer only seemed to decrease when the 2002 WHI study and subsequent media caused women to stop using HRT. (With Dr. Regula Burki) 'A public health paper on breast cancer incidence that does not withstand scrutiny'.
2010 A Farewell to Dr. Elizabeth Genovese; a message from Dr. Cutler to her coauthor and friend.
In December 2009, Dr. Cutler presented an hour long "Grand Rounds" lecture for CME credits at Main Line Health - Lankenau Hospital in Pennsylvania.
In October 2009, Dr. Cutler presented her powerpoint presentation and talk at the 65th annual meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), titled Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: What is the Real Risk? (abstract) And click here for her slide show summary.
Dr. Cutler presents poster to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine at their annual meeting in Montreal, Quebec Canada. October 16-19, 2005. "Evidence that Sex Attractant Pheromone Effects Strengthen with Continued Use."
Dr. Cutler presents to the American Psychiatric Association at their Annual Meeting in New York, May 1-6 2004. With Dr. Barbara Bartlik, her symposium titled: How Sexual Attractiveness, Pheromones, Fertility, and Hysterectomy are Related.
Pheromones and Sexuality: Winnifred Cutler publishes essay describing her scientific path to discoveries about sexual attraction, how sexual behavior affects a woman's overall health, and that women over 40 do not have to feel "invisible" to men.
Pheromones and the Female Patient: Dr. Winnifred Cutler's invited article on pheromones and clinical applications for the female patient.
A Farewell to Dr. Celso-Ramon Garcia: Dr.Winnifred Cutler's message to her mentor and coauthor of many publications on women's reproductive health, who passed away February 1, 2004. Dr. Cutler donated a contribution in his honor to the University of Pennsylvania Faculty Scholarship of Trustees.
Dr. Cutler's Invited Monograph on Human Pheromones for 2004 Science Encyclopedia: Dr. Cutler explains the history of human pheromone research from the initial 1980's experiments to current research publications.
Dr. Winnifred Cutler publishes essay on menstrual suppression: Dr. Cutler analyzes the negative effects of menstrual suppression to a woman's body in her essay "Menstrual Suppression by Contraception and Non cyclic regimens of Hormonal Replacement Therapy are Potentially Dangerous to a Woman's Health".
Presentation in April 2003, to The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology Annual Meeting in New Orleans. Dr. Cutler poster; Sociosexual Behavior in Healthy Women.
Dr. Cutler publishes book review for Archives of Sexual Behavior: Book by Kathy Davis, Reshaping the Female Body: The Dilemma of Cosmetic Surgery. Archives of Sexual Behavior Vol. 31, No. 2, April 2002, pp. 217-230
Winnifred Cutler Receives Outstanding Alumni Award from Ursinus College Oct. 12, 2001 -- Dr. Winnifred B. Cutler was given Ursinus College's Alumni Award for outstanding personal and professional achievement in the alumni awards ceremony at the Collegeville, Pennsylvania campus.
The Impact of Hysterectomy on Sexual Life of Women A Poster presentation presented by Dr. Winnifred Cutler and colleagues at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2001 meeting.
Sexual Response in Women. A Poster presented by Dr. Winnifred Cutler and colleagues at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 2000 meeting-differences in sexual response between hysterectomized, intact women, and women with fibroids. Also looks at effects of childbirth on sexual response.
More info about this meeting
WebMDHealth August 14, 2000-- Live Mind Matters Auditorium. Discussing Love Cycles: The Science of Intimacy with Winnifred B. Cutler, PhD. This interview was also posted on
Pheromones as Sex Attractants: Their Role in Human Reproduction. A Seminar presented by Dr. Winnifred Cutler at the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 1999 meeting.
Human Sex Attractant Pheromones: Discovery, Research, and Development Poster Presentation at the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology XXXth Congress held in Florida on August 1, 1999.
Excerpts on 'hot topics' for women from Dr. Cutler's books and research presentations:
Please click on the links to
Paid student internship available at times as well as for Summer Break. Read details
June 2019- June 2021, Funding for Faculty Development at Ursinus College during the COVID-19 pandemic Support for digital studies has borne fruit in the newly launched digital studies minor, chaired by Professor Kara McShane (English) and Christine Iannicelli, associate director of research, teaching and learning services. Prior to 2020, we were able to send a number of faculty to intensive trainings in interdisciplinary digital tools and to hold parallel events on campus. In 2020, we used the bulk of funds to prepare faculty for the digital pivot. Over 80 faculty participated in workshops that were facilitated by Christine Iannicelli and mentoring groups supported by Dr. McShane and others. Faculty found these opportunities essential for their success in the unusual teaching environment of 2020-2021, for which many had had little preparation in the past. Some unspent funds from this area were directed to supporting Hugo Montesinos-Yufa, who oversaw Molly Divis’s (Class of 2021) internship and served as a co-author on Athena and colleague’s recent article on long-term freedom from breast cancer.
March 2018, With support from a Student Research and Creativity travel grant and Dr. Winnifred Cutler, President of Athena Institute, Ursinus Student Temi Olafunmiloye was able to present her work at at the 75th annual scientific meeting of the American Psychosomatic Society, the members of which examine processes at the intersection of psychology and medicine.
In August 2015, Athena Institute President Dr. Winnifred Cutler and her husband, Thomas E. Quay, Esquire, the Institute's General Counsel, made a substantial financial gift to Ursinus College to sponsor its Entrepreneurial Psychology Research Fund. The grant will support faculty and student research projects exploring the habits and experiences of young generations and will create the "Psychology Faculty and Student Support Fund" under the direction of Dr. Cathy Chambliss, Department Chair.
Athena Institute is pleased to offer a guide to medical school applications available on pdf file for download. This manual Searching For Admission: The Smart PreMed Student's Guide to Applying for Medical School is a 'take-home' personal advisor to the admissions process.
Athena Institute awards substantial funding for The Pre-Med Hospice Volunteer Program research grant to Ardmore Presbyterian Church Foundation to encourage pre-med students to volunteer service in local hospices. Read the Graduate Reflection Essays. click here.
Athena Institute supports high-school students through the Pennsylvania Free Enterprise Week organization which offers an intensive program motivating and educating students about business and the free enterprise system. Read students' feedback; click here
Athena Institute awards second installment of its Research Grant to Kinsey Institute for the Study of Hysterectomy and Sexual Deficits; 2006
Athena Institute offers summer internships for exceptional students to experience mission-based, research and business focused assignments. Since 1986 interns have learned the 'scientific method' and contributed their skills during school break. Read their feedback, and review current openings posted here.
Athena offers an opportunity for local high school students to conduct research by interviewing the college students who are current premed hospice volunteers to learn whether the ongoing program is delivering what it promises to those college students, and submitting to Rev. Dr. Robinson their findings and analysis. In 2017, these 5 seniors who were immersed in their own college applications, performed this volunteer service,
In order from left to right:
Brayden Diprinzio- Senior, Sean Gowen- Junior, Jonathan Cohen - Research Leader, Graham Dore- Senior, Harry Tredinnick- Senior. All Great Valley High School Students.
Athena Institute awards hospice grant to Ohio Presbyterian Retirement Services to support med school students service to seniors in need; 2006
Athena Institute awards research grant to Cindy Meston, Ph.D. in 2003. Dr. Meston's study, The Effects of Hysterectomy on the Subjective and Physiological Sexual Function of Women with Benign Uterine Fibroids, was published in Archives of Sexual Behavior (Feb. 2004).
These research advisors have evaluated research grants and protocols for clinical investigations from ethical, scientific, and medical criteria. They serve without compensation.
Martha Drake - (Founding Advisor) Artist, Homemaker. Actively involved in progressive mental health research and programs. Carbondale, Colorado.
Erika Friedmann, Ph.D. - (Founding Advisor) Professor, University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD. Primary teaching areas; Research Methods and Statistics. Adjunct Professor of Public Health in Medicine, Cornell University Weill School of Medicine.
The Reverend Dr. R. Charles Grant - Interim Pastor, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Charlottesville, VA , since November 2014 on retiring as Associate Pastor for Senior Adults and Pastoral Care at the Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. Doctorate in Ministry from Vanderbilt Divinity School. Previously Senior Pastor and Head of Staff, Bon Air Presbyterian Church of Richmond, VA for 16 years. Religious scholar, passionate about social justice, and devoted to the care of all people.
Susan Silverton, M.D., Ph.D., - (Founding Advisor) Professor of Biology, Vice President, Academic Anglophone Affairs, Laurentian University, Ontario Canada
Millicent G. Zacher, M.Ed., D.O., FACOG - (Founding Advisor) Assistant Professor, OB/Gyn, Thomas Jefferson University Medical School, Philadelphia, PA. Helped edit Dr. Cutler's book, Hormones and Your Health: A Smart Woman's Guide.
Catherine A. Chambliss, Ph.D. - (Retired June 2024) Professor of Psychology, has taught at Ursinus College since 1979 and chaired the Psychology Department for 24 years. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Yale in 1975, and completed her M.S. and Ph.D. in clinical psychology at the University of Miami. As a licensed psychologist in private practice since 1981, in collaboration with students and colleagues she has published >300 research findings examining both inpatient and outpatient behavioral healthcare, the familial impact of maternal employment, student smoking cessation, relationship disruption and depression, including mobile device apps for managing stress.
Athena Institute and Dr. Cutler would like to especially gratefully acknowledge former founding research advisors who have since passed away: the late William F. Drake, Jr. Esq., Dr. Norma McCoy, and Dr. Elizabeth Genovese for their commitment to the shared mission of working to improve the quality of women's healthcare.