Pheromones, Sexual Attractiveness and Quality of Life in Menopausal Women

Copyright ©2002. Parthenon Publishing; A CRC Press Company 2002

Journal: CLIMACTERIC The Journal Of the International Menopause Society June 2002

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*Please click here for more on pheromones and books from Athena Institute

By Winnifred B. Cutler, Ph.D. and Elizabeth Genovese, M.D.

MESSAGE FROM DR. CUTLER: "What Dr. Elizabeth Genovese and I were invited by the Climacteric editors to do was to chronicle the important evolution of pheromone research; from pheromonal communication in animals to current discoveries including human sex attractant pheromones. Since Climacteric is the journal for the International Menopause Society, it was our intention to document the profound science of pheromones relevant to the sexuality and well-being of women in their menopausal years. In this article we address an unconventional scientific topic; sexual attractiveness.

We know that consensual intimate, affectionate behavior is good for your overall health. Investigations using topical pheromones demonstrated an increase in sexual attractiveness, and we describe those studies and relate them to a woman's romantic, and overall quality of, life at menopause.

The paper discusses rigorous scientific studies, however, non-medical readers will find it comprehensive and, we hope, beneficial." Winnifred B. Cutler

Dr. Cutler's pheromone science has been "bottled" into vials of unscented fragrance additives that increase wearers' sexual attractiveness. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE HERE

10x for men   1013 for women

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" My research has consistently focused on what behavior a woman can engage in to increase her power, well-being, and vitality."

---Winnifred B. Cutler, Ph.D.

A portion of the profits from our book and pheromone sales helps to fund Athena's on-going research.