Athena Institute's Guides on
How to Navigate Life as a Single Woman


I have asked two intelligent, attractive and socially-adept young college women to adapt for their generation my Searching For Courtship principles. I heartily endorse their guides for social behavior and am proud of what they have created. (I did insert a few pointers of my own….) I hope you will find their ideas helpful; we assure you they are well-intended.

I define courtship as the process in which a man pursues a woman, asking her to schedule dates, treating her as though she were a prize (but not a possession).

Whether you are looking for a relationship, currently in a relationship, or enjoying life as a single woman, Dr. Cutler's philosophy and Code of Courtship will help you become a happy, elegant person who commands respect from all around you.

The Code of Courtship

1. Acknowledge the power of biology. Use his attraction towards you to negotiate a successful courtship.

2. Accept that your needs are legitimate.

3. Recognize the positive value of balance by combining times of solitude and reflection with an active social life.

4. Communicate your desires.

5. Strengthen your capacity for self-control by taking command of your social calendar.

6. Develop your sense of honesty and your ability to detect deception.

7. Learn the basic hormonal and sexual facts that affect your health and happiness.

8. Practice good manners; enhance your sense of dignity.

9. Recognize the magnetic power of a positive attitude.

10. Understand the importance of a positive first impression, and that first impressions can also be misleading.

11. Realize that there are many single men searching for relationships. Have the courage to end yours when things aren't working out and start again.

Dr. Cutler's pheromone science has been "bottled" into vials of unscented fragrance additives that increase wearers' sexual attractiveness. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE HERE

10x for men   1013 for women


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