Dr. Cutler reviews Jane Fonda's book, PRIME TIME which refers readers to Athena Pheromones and supports considering Hormone Replacement Therapy

Copyright © 2011. Random House

Dr. Cutler offers her review of Jane Fonda's newest book for women:

“I was pleased to read in Jane Fonda's newest book, PRIME TIME, a favorable quotation about our products from my respected colleague, Dr. Barbara Bartlik, and Ms. Fonda's suggestion to her readers to refer to our website:

(p.221) Dr. Bartlik, “Try the synthetic body scents or pheromones made by the Athena Institute (click for info), which can help with arousal. They mimic the body's own pheromones which are secreted by the underarms and genitalia in the highest concentrations. As you get older they get less strong.” {Ms. Fonda} You can find out more about pheromones from AthenaInstitute.com.

I recommend Jane Fonda's book to women interested in improving their health and wellbeing through good exercise and diet, rewarding relationships, and attitudes toward compassionate living. Her chapters on friendship and love in the 'third act' are encouraging, wise, and warm-hearted.

Women readers should take particular notice of Ms. Fonda's inclusion of the health benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for bone, heart, brain, sexuality… and how misinterpretations of the Women's Health Initiative Study led women to stop HRT in turn “suffering needlessly from menopausal symptoms, some of them acute, that could be safely treated.” (p.239)

Ms. Fonda correctly lists reasons the WHI findings do not apply to most women including: subjects were drawn from Medicare roles, many were obese or smokers, and most had never taken hormonal therapy - so had been estrogen-deprived for many years, rendering it too late for some of the preventive benefits.

And, while Ms. Fonda notes that some women in the WHI took estrogen and progesterone, I would clarify the critical detail that the women were given a synthetic dangerous progestin, not the human bio-identical form of progesterone shown to be beneficial on breast cells and cancer prevention when taken sequentially.

She writes that hormonal therapy can be wonderful when taken young enough or in the right forms (click for more research)… and I would add that it is essential for women to understand the important difference between sequential (good) and continuous combined (not good) regimens for sex, brain, bones and breast. Importantly, Ms. Fonda jump starts women into thinking positively about HRT, and I would strongly encourage women to learn further about the best regimens of sequential HRT and delivery routes to experience the health benefits even after hysterectomy.

Hormone therapies are not all the same, and women should investigate both with their doctors and by independently learning which hormones are safest and which have risks - in order to collaborate intelligently and with dignity with their physicians to arrive at a carefully chosen long-term HRT regimen.

Ms. Fonda does not think appropriately prescribed HRT causes breast cancer (nor do I) and she supports her opinions and regimen details with expert contributions from Dr. Michelle Warren, Drs. John W. Rowe and Robert L. Kahn who confirm that the health benefits of HRT for most aging women outweigh the risks. Most importantly, Jane Fonda recommends finding a doctor who is “knowledgeable, experienced, and up to date on the newest research when it comes to hormone therapy.” (p.244)

The expert opinions she quotes, like those of Dr. Bartlik (click here for Dr. Cutler's presentation at Dr. Bartlik's APA symposium) and Dr. Warren, are authoritative. Some of her exercise regimen recommendations are outside of my expertise, but I found PRIME TIME to be positive, witty, intelligent and fun to read.”

-- Winnifred Cutler, Ph.D.

For more current research on the benefits of HRT, breast cancer, and the different types of regimens and delivery routes including which hormones to refuse and which to accept? click here.

Read More: Athena Pheromone 10:13™ helps Mature Women Feel 'Seen' Again..

COMMENT FROM ATHENA INSTITUTE: Both Athena Pheromone 10:13tm for women and Athena Pheromone 10Xtm for men are cosmetics that can increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Neither product is an “aphrodisiac.”

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