Article in Self Magazine
Excerpted by Athena Institute
Review the 2002 independent study on Athena Pheromone 10:13tm for Women, published in Physiology and Behavior click here
By Emily Lapkin
After the nose’s pheromone detecting properties were discovered... Researchers launched a slew of studies on the subliminal scents thought to attract the opposite sex.
The first fascinating results are starting to roll in - and they show that the nose really is an important sexual organ that helps us pick our partners. ***
Barbara Bartlik, M.D., a psychiatrist and sex therapist at New York Weil Cornell Medical Center in New York City, recommends that her patients who need help perking up their partners apply a synthetic pheromone (click for product details) to themselves. Her favorites are from the Athena Institute. (visit
COMMENT FROM ATHENA INSTITUTE: Both Athena Pheromone 10:13tm for women and Athena Pheromone 10Xtm for men are cosmetics that can increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Neither product is an “aphrodisiac.”