Major German Magazine article printed online at Spiegel. de. covers the San Francisco State University Study testing Athena Pheromone 10:13tm for women.
Excerpted and (translated for Athena Institute from the original German)
May 2002
Two female researchers claim that they have proven the effect of a synthetic sex lure: According to their study, women who applied pheromone-amended perfume were able to substantially increase their sexual success rate.
Two psychologists in the USA claim that they have demonstrated that women who apply perfume with added pheromones have an irresistible effect on men. In an article published in the journal “Physiology and Behavior”, they report that women who as part of a study mixed a commercially available synthetic pheromone (click for product info) into their perfumes had a substantially higher sexual success rate than women who did not use the synthetic pheromones. Other scientists, however, are more skeptical of the results.
Norma McCoy and Lisa Pitino of the San Francisco State University recruited 36 female volunteers of different ethnic background for their study. The women, who were between 19 and 48 years old, were all single and did not have a steady partner at the time of the study. None of them used birth control pills.
The test persons were provided with a small bottle, which either contained the odor-less sex lure or a placebo. The women mixed the contents of the bottles into their regular perfume, which they had to apply regularly.
The test persons were also asked to keep a record of their social and sexual experiences for the entire test period of 14 weeks. Items to be listed included such things as advances made by men, actual dates with men, kisses, petting, and sexual intercourse.
According to the researchers, 74% of the women who used the pheromone-amended perfumes registered an increase in at least three of the aforementioned categories, in many cases with an added increase in sexual intercourse.
Of the group of women who unknowingly applied the placebo-amended perfumes, only 23% reported a similar increase in these encounters, with most increases in the categories of the lesser sexual extent, not actual sexual intercourse. (Click here for full study).
McCoy and Pitino draw the conclusion that the synthetic pheromones made the women more attractive to men. They do not believe that their results could have another explanation, that the test persons themselves were affected by their own sex lures. Their interpretation is based on the rate of masturbation among the test women, which was also painstakingly recorded during the study and which did not increase.
Pheromones are odorless “fragrances” which are emitted by animals with the goal to influence the behavior of potential partners. Such substances are important, for example, during the reproduction of insects. Scientists, however, disagree on the role they play for the love lives of humans.
In their study, the researchers of the San Francisco State University used a synthetic product with the brand name “Athena Pheromone 10:13”, which is sold by the Athena Institute, in Chester Springs, Pennsylvania. The manufacturer does not reveal the exact composition of the product.
The founder of the Athena Institute is biologist Winnifred Cutler (click for bio), who had worked with McCoy in the past. However, McCoy and Pitino insist that their study was conducted independently.
COMMENT FROM ATHENA INSTITUTE: Both Athena Pheromone 10:13tm for women and Athena Pheromone 10Xtm for men are cosmetics that can increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Neither product is an “aphrodisiac.”