The Real Chemical Reaction Between the Sexes

Copyright © 1986. USAToday


November 19, 1986 -- Article on Dr. Cutler's codiscovery of human pheromones. Excerpted by Athena Institute for website posting

By Kim Painter

Chemicals in men's bodies can cause their female sex partners to be more fertile, have more regular menstrual cycles and milder menopause, landmark research shows.

And women who have sex with men at least once a week benefit most from the chemicals, which apparently work through the sense of smell.

"The exciting part is the effect we have on each other. Men are important to women," says Dr. Winnifred B. Cutler (click for bio) of Philadelphia, whose studies show for the first time that chemicals called pheromones exist in humans. (click for more on pheromone discovery)

Dr. Cutler's pheromone science has been "bottled" into vials of unscented fragrance additives that increase wearers' sexual attractiveness. AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE HERE

10x for men   1013 for women

*Pheromones have long been known to exist in animals, as scents that attract sex partners. Cutler's new women are affected by pheromones from men and women:

*Women with unusually long or short menstrual cycles get closer-to-average cycles after regularly inhaling male essence, described as a compound of male sweat, hormones and natural body odors. "You just walk into a male locker room," Cutler says, "that's the odor."

*Women exposed to another woman's "female essence" menstruated at the same time after a few months, confirming a long-observed phenomenon that women who live together menstruate at the same time.

Cutler's other studies show women who have sex with men at least once a week have regular menstrual cycles and fewer fertility and menopause problems, apparently because of exposure to pheromones.


COMMENT FROM ATHENA INSTITUTE: Both Athena Pheromone 10:13tm for women and Athena Pheromone 10Xtm for men are cosmetics that can increase your attractiveness to the opposite sex. Neither product is an “aphrodisiac.”

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