“Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: What is the Real Risk?”

Dr. Winnifred Cutler presents her powerpoint presentation,

Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women:
What is the Real Risk?

to the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine in 2009 held in Atlanta, GA.

To View the Slide Summary Click Here

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Atlanta, GA – October 19th, 2009.
“Breast Cancer in Postmenopausal Women: What is the Real Risk?”

 Winnifred Cutler, PhD  will discuss her controversial research during her powerpoint presentation to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine at their annual meeting, October 19th , 2009 at the Georgia World Congress Center.

Written with colleagues, Dr. Cutler’s presentation walks through ‘ a tough search for unbiased data’, challenging both the misrepresentations of scientific media and misperceptions of the data/results of published peer-reviewed papers – to question ‘Why is the true incidence of breast cancer so much lower than the reported risk estimates?”

The answer is within Cutler’s critique of the SEER methodology. Attendees will also review with Dr. Cutler recorded estimates of the risks/causes of death per 100,00 women outlined to reveal that breast cancer ranks fifth out of seven; while heart and cardiovascular disease are the number one disease risks accounting for 9 times as many cases of disease as breast cancer.

Dr. Cutler says;

“Breast cancer is the subject of a perpetual barrage of fear-inducing headlines. Symbolic pink ribbons are everywhere. Famous personalities urge us to have mammograms to detect our cancer early. And an emerging “breast-terror industry” alarms women with marketing methods... I find that these messages subtly misinterpret data. When researching my recent book I found a conflict between popular beliefs and what the current science really said; the actual incidence of breast cancer is much lower than that of cardiovascular or bone disease, breast cancer is highly unlikely to kill you, and you can cut your risk dramatically by making wise food choices, cultivating good exercise habits, and taking steps to promote better health.”

The ASRM Annual Meeting will be held October 17 -21, 2009, and Dr. Cutler’s session is scheduled at 5:15pm on Monday, October 19th.  Media members can preregister online via the links below.

View the Abstract

About the Author:

Winnifred Cutler, PhD, Founded Athena Institute for Women’s Wellness in 1986, is a reproductive biologist and longtime champion of improving the quality of healthcare for women, has authored two medical texts and 6 other books; most recently Hormones and Your Health: The Smart Woman’s Guide to Hormonal and Alternative Therapies for Menopause.