Real Customer Testimonials

Unsolicited--Names Changed for Privacy


Turning Heads:

"Thank you so much for discovering the Pheromones. I don't leave the house anymore without wearing 10:13! Men's behaviour changes completely for the better: They are more polite, friendly, ask me to dance with them or start a conversation... Even when I simply "pass by" they turn their heads! Isn't that incredible?! And I owe it all to Mrs Ph.D. Winnifred B. Cutler! Thank you again."

--Carla (Germany)

Wife goes Crazy

"It's uncanny. When I get the bottle, I take it out and dab a little bit on my neck. Every time, the same day, my wife goes crazy, this is real. My wife is not the most passionate woman... But when I wear the 10X, there is a marked difference."

--Chris (MA)

Watching ME not TV

"I would like to get one more vial of Athena Pheromone 10:13; it makes a big difference in my relationship with my husband. He is very unromantic by nature. We have only been married a year and a half. He was not romantic from the start. But now...he stares at me all the time. I mean all of a sudden I realize he is not watching TV, he is watching ME! He is acting more romantic. He initiates hugs and kisses. He is watching me, with a gleam in his eye! Dr. Cutler, thank you very much for this product. It is wonderful!"

-- Lilly (MD)

I Get the Job

"I need to get another vial. It's interesting because we all use it in the family. Its amazing because I've gotten jobs because I am a contractor. I notice the biggest difference in how people respond to me. I'll go out to meet with potential clients; I do work in computers. When I use it regularly men, women alike... I can do no wrong. It is incredible the difference. I will wear the 10:13 in my fragrance and go out selling (my computer service). And other times I will go a week or so without it. I find the difference is really incredible. People respond to me so differently when I am wearing the Athena; I can do no wrong. I get the job!"

-- Terri (KY)

New Relationship

"Both my wife and I use your products and feel we are starting a new relationship with each other."

-- Gene (TX)

'Hit rate' went up

"I’m the ultimate cynic, degree and MBA educated and always suspicious of product claims. But during the six month period I’ve used this product, my hit rate with women wentfrom about 2 a year, to 7 in six months."

--Charlie (Scotland)


"Oh Dr. Cutler, how nice to talk with you directly. I want to order another Athena Pheromone 10:13. I find real differences since I began using the product. I just find that I am semi-irresistible. It could be my brilliant personality but it is clear that the Athena in my perfume helps. I will say that men say to me things like, ‘You smell fabulous’. (No one ever said such things to me before.)

I learned about Athena from my therapist who would be a really great testimonial for you. She is a well known bioenergicist. She had a bad marriage and went to the dating scene horribly for years. She is great looking but was not having a good experience with men. Well in her mid 40s or so she told me she started using the stuff. The next thing she found she was attracting a great guy. Now they are married, she has a one year old baby and she told me she is going to continue using it forever because it keeps her husband’s interest. When she was my therapist, she recommended it to me. I do think the product works very well. Thank you Dr. Cutler! I am a believer, I know it works for me."

-- Serena (FL)

Real Estate Success

"Please send me another Athena 10:13. It enhances my sales. I am in Real Estate and my customers stay with me like I'm honey. They don't leave my side even when the house I am showing is awful. They say 'let's look at another house'. Also, they call me and ask me to show houses to them that other Realtors advertise as if they want to be near to me.

I have ordered many times and used it in several different fragrances. I do note a very big difference with wearing the pheromone and have tested it by not wearing it for awhile and then starting again. For me, it enhances my sales and, although I am good at my real estate work, this makes my sales even better. It makes people come to me and stay with me. They do not want to leave. I recommended it to my sister and to my friend. I am 39 years old. God bless you Dr. Cutler. Keep up the good work!”"

-- Donna (FL)

Girls act Friendly

" I have been using the 10x ... for about a month. I’ve really noticed a difference. I’m 24 and whatnot... I’m not a bad looking guy. I’ll talk with different girls at the health club, at work...whatever situation. But now they get close, they get a lot more touchy... and its really noticeable. I told my brothers about it and they want some 10x too. I’m the youngest of 5 kids. The Athena really works! I really notice the difference in the way girls get closer and act friendly. Thanks a lot!"

-- Anthony (TX)

Out of the Woodwork

"This is Erin and I would like to get a second vial of the Athena Pheromone. There are things that I can only attribute to this pheromone. I am decently attractive, in good shape. Single for 8 years, really interested in a new relationship, nothing changed. Since I started wearing the 10:13 two months ago, I have literally had men noticing me, paying attention to me, acting attentive.

I might be out shopping, minding my own business and they almost jump out of the woodwork. Peculiar. In all honesty this has not happened before. The first time it happened, hmm. . I thought maybe coincidence. Now it has happened several times. Men will definitely notice me more. Yes it's very nice. I am 61. I am self employed...I get unpaid days off, but I don't get fired."

-- Erin (PA)